3 highlights from the first year of Brilliant Little Gems

1. Receiving beautiful feedback:

Hearing from the parents I support that it's making a difference in their lives is everything - to hear words like these, is to hear the intentions I had for BLG being reflected back to me. The BEST kind of feedback.

Thank you so much again for your support. It was a nice feeling the whole week that I knew I had you on my side, thank you.

I am so glad you created BLG. There is really nothing like this service that you provide and it’s absolutely brilliant!!!

2. Accidentally dressing like my web-site

That time just after BLGs launch that I accidentally dressed in the same colours as my web-site (I only noticed when I took a photo 😜).

#amethyst #green

3. Community

Meeting so many like-minded & like-hearted people has been one of the absolute best parts of the journey so far. I'm grateful for the wonderful families I've had the opportunity to to know and support, and the incredible health & educational professionals I've connected with. I have a passion for lifelong learning - and every person I spend time with keeps that enthusiasm alive - through teaching me new things or inspiring me to further my own learning.


How Brilliant Little Gems began


What is gestalt cognitive processing?