Soul Call Cards

You’re here because something inside you is stirring. A nudge. A whisper. A knowing. You might not have the words for it yet, but you can feel it—the pull to explore, to untangle, to turn towards yourself.

This space is for the seekers, the wanderers, the folk who’ve always sensed there’s more to life than what society’s ‘comfortable’ edges allow. If you’re led by curiosity and open to exploring the knowing-ness that already lives within you, I invite you to join me for a Soul Call Card Reading—a facilitated conversation where the cards guide us toward the truths you’re ready to uncover.

What is a Soul Call Card Reading?

Think of it as stepping to the edge of your own story. Together, we’ll work with a deck of cards crafted within the framework of archetypal psychology. These cards hold words, not answers, but invitations—to meet yourself in new ways, to untangle the clutter from the gold, and to see what’s constellating within you.

This isn’t about “fixing” or following specific steps. It’s about the dance of exploring and being with what’s already there—the sweet edges, the challenge, the fire of transformation and the light.

The process is fluid and intuitive, weaving in somatic inquiry and guided visualisations as needed, to help you connect more deeply to your own clarity and truth.

Why Step Into This Space?

Because you’re ready to meet the edge of yourself—and to see what’s waiting there.

The Edge is where society’s expectations crumble, where you stop contorting to fit molds that were never meant for you. It’s where you meet yourself in your truest form. Together, we’ll untangle the threads of your experience, find flow and open space for what’s emerging.

You’ll discover that the archetypal energy of:

  • Fire isn’t to be feared - it’s a force of transformation, burning away what no longer fits and allowing the phoenix within you to rise.

  • The Sanctuary is already within you—peaceful, luminous, a place where light and shadow are equally welcome.

And the Promise - isn’t about outcomes or deliverables. It’s about meeting yourself where you are, and me meeting you there too. No bending, no contorting, just holding a deeply compassionate space for your process to unfold.

She knew she was on the edge, a point in time had arrived in which there was no turning back to the old familiar solid ground. She was going to take a leap of faith into the unknown, trusting she’d find new ground and a fertility and wild thrill she’d never known before.

— Her inner self

This Is For You If...

  • You’re curious and open to the journey, not attached to a specific outcome.

  • You’re willing to sit with the edges of your experience to grow your self-compassion and understanding.

  • You’re craving clarity, connection, and a deeper sense of your own knowing.

This isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. It’s not meant to be. But if these words resonate—if they light something in you—then you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.

What does a session involve?

Sessions are held via Zoom, so you can connect from wherever you feel comfortable.

  • At the beginning of a soul call card session, I’ll explain a little more about the process. I often describe it as ‘a bit like a word association game’.

  • I shuffle the cards and draw 9 out, laying them out in a ‘noughts and crosses’ style. I turn one card over at a time and invite you to share the associations that come up, which may be images, sensations, memories or other words. This is shared with you visually on a zoom whiteboard.

  • Each position on the ‘noughts and crosses’ board has it’s own meaning and relevance, which helps us to form a narrative.

  • As the reading evolves, the words may begin to ‘dance’ and interact with one another, revealing new meanings and understandings to us.

  • Somatic inquiry and guided visualisation are integrated (as needed) to deepen the experience.

Soul Call Card sessions create a sanctuary. A peaceful space to drop into your beingness, to explore cycles of light and shadow, and to trust the unfolding process of transformation.

The practical things..

How long is a soul call consult? We allocate 75 minutes to allow plenty of time for the process.

How much is a session? $245 + GST or purchase a Clarity Package of 3 sessions for to use within a 12 month period for $635.

Can I use NDIS funding? As a social worker, I am able to provide NDIS funded sessions if they align with your plan goals. Please feel free to discuss with me to clarify.

How often can I book a soul call card consult? As often as you like, however many folks have found a balance of mentoring sessions and soul call card readings is ideal for supporting their personal growth and well-being.